Monday, February 14, 2011

Call Me What You Want, But I Am Who I Am...

written by Dotti

One thing that I can not seem to grab hold of, is the imaginary line that has been drawn in the sand by those who claim to know and those who don't. For the sake of the blog lets title the ones who claim to know, believers, and those who don't will be called non-believers.

So during a business meeting with my manager/business partner Bingo, the topic of discussion was music marketing, Bingo told me that we needed to define a clear path for Dotti to walk down because people do not know how to categorize me as an artist. Is this Christian or is this what some believers call "secular/main stream" music? Now it is his responsibility to address the hard issues to figure out how to guide my career into next level and I totally trust his professional outlook; however this really upset me as an artist. My response to this proposal was "They can call me what they want, but I am who I am!"

I am an artist! I paint pictures through musical expression and all of the pictures that I paint have to do with my experiences. Every believer may not be able to relate to every experience that I go through in my life. And every verse I write may not identify with the "non-believer", but either way in these moments and I chose to write and record them.

I think it is way to hard to walk out my purpose and fit inside your box at the same time. So when you get the King & Priest album just know it is 100% Main Stream, just as much as it is 100% Christian!!!

This is Dotti Nation!

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